How do I even begin to say what you mean
to me, what my life has become with you a part of everything in me?  There are no words.  I was there all through your beginning.  I was at your mother's side helping to coach her to bring you into this world.  I held the oxygen mask over your tiny face and you breathed in life.  You were so beautiful.  You've spent so much of your life living with me.  Now we are miles apart and my heart aches daily for you.  You are so very beautiful in every possible way.  Your big beautiful brown eyes.  That smile that just melts my very soul.  I Could never tell you no.  I could never deny you anything.
My very special niece.  Such a lovely young lady you have grown to be before my very eyes.  The little sweet angel is now a beautiful young lady.  How I miss you so much.  As each day comes and goes I think of you often.  If ever I would have had a
daughter, I would have wanted her to be just as you are.  My dear sweet Shawna, know that I will forever cherish all the memories
we have, and forever, I shall love you from so deep within my being.
As the angels gather around, they look from heaven for a soul they know is pure, sweet and tender.  They don't look far, for you are right here before our eyes, sharing all that you have with this world. 
Just look at you, look at how just a
couple of year's have changed your
appearance, your attitude and only
added to your true beauty.... You are
here with me now, something I had
dreamed of for a few years, I can now
see you, look at you and love you closer
then before each and every day.... What
joy you have brought into my home now
that you live here once again.....

Once again I feel, as my family is whole
and so very complete........ All just by
your presence.......
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